Zu Tisch! (Bitte_Besteck)
At the dinner table (asking for help_cutlery)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Zu Tisch! (Haus_Herz_Madonna)
At the dinner table (house_heart_madonna)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Zu Tisch! (zwei Löffel_Baby_Farn_Blatt)
At the dinner table (two spoons_baby_fern_leaf)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Without title (table 1)
100 cm x 100 cm
Acrylic and egg tempera on cotton
Without title (table 2)
100 cm x 100 cm
Acrylic and egg tempera on cotton
Zu Tisch! (Bitte_Besteck)
At the dinner table (asking for help_cutlery)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Zu Tisch! (Haus_Herz_Madonna)
At the dinner table (house_heart_madonna)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Zu Tisch! (zwei Löffel_Baby_Farn_Blatt)
At the dinner table (two spoons_baby_fern_leaf)
70 cm x 70 cm
Industrypainter and permanent marker on tracing paper and paper
Without title (table 1)
100 cm x 100 cm
Acrylic and egg tempera on cotton
Without title (table 2)
100 cm x 100 cm
Acrylic and egg tempera on cotton