Rosa Körperlichkeit (Tür_Schädel)
Pink corpo-reality (door_skull)
40 cm x 50 cm
Permanent marker, watercolor, egg tempera on PVC foil and paper
Rosa Körperlichkeit (Baby_zwei Löffel)
Pink corpo-reality (baby_two spoons)
40 cm x 50 cm
Permanent marker, watercolor, egg tempera on PVC foil and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Luster_Etikett_Tür)
She is carrying your story (chandelier_label_door)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Buch_Löffel)
She is carrying your story (book_spoons)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Weste_Pistole_Ball)
She is carrying your story (vest_pistol_ball)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper
Rosa Körperlichkeit (Tür_Schädel)
Pink corpo-reality (door_skull)
40 cm x 50 cm
Permanent marker, watercolor, egg tempera on PVC foil and paper
Rosa Körperlichkeit (Baby_zwei Löffel)
Pink corpo-reality (baby_two spoons)
40 cm x 50 cm
Permanent marker, watercolor, egg tempera on PVC foil and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Luster_Etikett_Tür)
She is carrying your story (chandelier_label_door)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Buch_Löffel)
She is carrying your story (book_spoons)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper
Sie trägt deine Geschichte (Weste_Pistole_Ball)
She is carrying your story (vest_pistol_ball)
50 cm x 60 cm
Permanent marker and pastel on PVC foil, tracing paper and paper