Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover
The trouble with the yellow sweater
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover (2)
The trouble with the yellow sweater (2)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover (3)
The trouble with the yellow sweater (3)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Mädchen, rote Kreise (Girl, red circles)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Girl and jacket
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Girl and jacket
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover
The trouble with the yellow sweater
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover (2)
The trouble with the yellow sweater (2)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Die Sache mit dem gelben Pullover (3)
The trouble with the yellow sweater (3)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Mädchen, rote Kreise (Girl, red circles)
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Girl and jacket
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper
Girl and jacket
70 cm x 100 cm
Ink, industrypainter on paper